Composing parts (Variables) of a Company and their impact in business results

In my previous posts I was talking about theories of systems and the “Meta Theory” called General Theory of Systems as a way of simplifying and studying organisations. In this post we will organise the parts of the Organisation Systems in general categories that can be also taken as “Variables” for its future “Flow Analysis”. INPUTS: Data. Money. Work. Technology. Energy. Capital Goods. Equipment. PROCESSING: Production Lines. Assembly lines. Management and skills. Generate interest in purchasing. Increase engagement. OUTPUTS: Products. Services. Results. Sales. Registered user. Dividends. Taxes. Information. Customer satisfaction. Employee satisfaction. CONSTRAINERS: Company internal lobby. User experience management. Change

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The Data Driven culture component for startups

Two years ago I’ve been invited by Lorena Suarez to be part of the mentors that help Wayra’s startups improve their analytics skills. At the beginning I was a little confused since I normally work with big companies that not only have an information caos but in several cases they don’t have a data driven culture, which is normally the biggest problem. When the information began to abound big companies started a chase to get the best scientist/Analysts to solve the problem. Later on they began to notice that the problem was not getting solved and the confusion turned no

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How to make a self explaining reports

The Digital Analytics Association defines Digital Analytics as the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimising digital usage. It’s not a minor thing that analysis and reporting are separated. Analysis and reporting are two really different things. 1. Analysis: Is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it. The technique has been applied in the study of mathematics and logic since before Aristotle (384–322 B.C.), though analysis as a formal concept is a relatively recent development. The word comes from the Ancient

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Marketing is about people buying intention. Conjoint Analysis 101.

We’ve already talked that companies have one main objetive, earning money. If we add the variable ‘t’ we can split this main objetive in two, present and future earnings. The present earnings is the Company’s current economic result, while the future earnings are determined by the buying intention. On the other hand the above mentioned buying intention it’s the result of several variables that occurs together like: 1. The person have the need or intention to buy something in particular. 2. The company have the product that can satisfy the generic need. 3. The person have the money to buy

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Information Chaos? Analytics Governance is your only salvation

Most companies were founded in a time when there was a shortage of information. Getting the information was extremely expensive and not very useful since it normally came along late (and it was normally used just to justify a decision what was already made) . Today getting information is not expensive any more. Actually you have information everywhere and almost in real time for a very low cost. This avalanche of information instead of improving the decision making process is making it harder or in most cases impossible. Today’s managers and executives say that they are drowning in data. Most

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HOWA Buenos Aires 2013!

Organised by Intellignos, December 10th at the headquarters of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Palermo, the seventh edition of HOWA Buenos Aires, the most important analytics event of the year. Register Here for free When? The 10th of December 2013 from 9am to 6pm. Where? Universidad de Palermo, Larrea 1079, Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Schedule 9 a 9.30 hs Presentación y repaso de temas del año – Auditorio Information Gandalfs Analytics Ninjas 9.35 a 10.20hs Cross device Tracking  Cross device análisis 10.25 a 11.15 hs  Herramientas de usabilidad  UX Analytics 11.20 a 12.05 hs Coffe Break 12.05 a 13.00 hs

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Google Analytics Summit

As every year I’m here, in this case with Richard Dawson (Intellignos) and Diego Salama (Mercado Libre) at the Google Analytics Summit, in this case in it’s 2013 version. This post is in real time so you will see things in draft and not finished…don’t worry, will be done after the event is finished.           Great introduction by Paul Muret, Vice President of Engineering at Google Analytics talking about history and the Analytics Market. Paul gave the voice to Bebak Pahlavan the Director of Product Management of Google Analytics who after saying that they launched more

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If you wanted to know what they are thinking just go and ask them

Multivariate or A/B testing is very cool and useful. Today’s solutions are very flexible and allows you to test several pieces of marketing (ads, lading pages, etc) in real time without the need of being an expert. You have tools for any particular need, free solutions like Google Content Experiments; paid solutions for a low price like Convert, Optimizely, Unbounce and VWO; and paid solutions for bigger budgets like Adobe Test & Target, Sitespect and Autonomy optimost among others.     Even though this kind of solutions are great and useful it is important to know what are they useful

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Information integration where are you?

The following chart presented by eMarketer shows the answers made by  the Forrester Conference attendees. The question was “What is the best source for generating data on their customers”, the answers are not a surprise at all. They answer as each source provides enough information itself about their customers, but they don’t! Web analytics just tells you what your customers are doing but how are you gonna make a decision when you don’t know why?

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