The US ICT Market optimistic about Analytics and BI investments

According to a report by Forrester Research the total Total U.S. ICT market in 2011 was $962B with the majority being generated from software sales ($208B) followed by Telecom Services ($199B) and IT Consulting and Systems Integration Services ($188B). The following graphic show the U.S. ICT market for 2011. Forrester forecast for analytics and BI are more optimistic.  When customer experience and engagement is taken into account, the forecast seems high. Salesforce knows how to translate trial users into customers. The question is can they do this fast enough in 2012 throughout the enterprise and mid-tier accounts to keep up their

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Awards of excellence – Digital Analytics Association

As every year the Digital Analytics Association is conducting the Awards for Excellence. This year I can’t be more glad with the nominations, not just because I was nominated as practitioner of the year but also Intellignos was Nominated as Most Influential Vendor! Intellignos has an amazing team headed by the awesomely perfectionist Richard Dawson, that can definitely win any prize but the idea of being nominated with companies like Adobe and Google is the best way to let us know that we are on the right track. Congratulations Intelligners, you rock! Intellignos and me are waiting for your vote

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Social Analytics the key responsable for making real time marketing come true

I was reading a very interesting research by eMarketer that begins this way ¨Marketers know the value of social data but interpretation remains a challenge¨ and I thought, are we still having the same problems than 10 years ago. I mean, we are not talking about Social Analytics, a pretty new work in ¨the block¨ but at the end the day it´s the same thing. 1. The digital era fill the desks with information: Well, even when this is totally true we can complain about it. Come on, we are talking about it for more than 10 years and is

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Understanding the Argentinian Market – A great video from Endeavor

Endeavor, the organization that transforms emerging markets by supporting High-Impact Entrepreneurs, just produced and published a video called “The Multiplier Effect: How a Network of Entrepreneurs Created a Tech Sector in Argentina” that allows you a very good understanding of our industry and my country. This is not directly related to Analytics but I really recommend you to take a look at it.  

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Asking the right questions to the right sources

We already talked about how important is asking the right questions before sitting in front of a particular data source. It makes easier your work since you only need to fill the blanks with information instead of sitting in front of a data source for one, two or three hours looking for “something interesting or useful”. Understanding what questions can answer each data source, it is as important as the question itself. As we talked about five years ago in the Analytics 2.0 model, you have several information sources, each one measure a particular type of interaction between users and

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Standard and non-standard metrics

If you are reading this blog you probably know metrics like Unique Visitors, Visit, Pageview, etc. Those metrics are Standard metrics, which means that the way those metrics are being measured is based on a definition made by a recognized organization (the Web Analytics Association), allowing comparisons among different projects. Actually when someone tells you “I have 10.000 unique visitors”  we all know the meaning of that (10.000 unique browsers being measured by a particular cookie). Standard metrics are very important, actually the Web Analytics Association have  a committee that works very hard trying to define those standards (The standardization

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Another year in Web…sorry Digital Analytics – Happy new analytyear!

We can discuss about almost everything, the name of what we do (Digital, Web, or just analytics), about the platforms, about the practices and even about who are the most influential professionals but if there is something about we are do all agree is that this was a very intense year, lets take a look to the most relevant news about it: January 24, 2012: Accenture to Expand Analytics Capabilities with Acquisition of Neo Metrics Analytics S.L. March 05, 2012: Web Analytics Association Becomes Digital Analytics Association. March 31, 2012: Urchin is retired from the market. April 18, 2012: Havas Digital 20% of Intellignos.

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Collapsing myths in digital marketing

Paraphrasing my colleague Eric Peterson, I’ll do my part to demystify, in this case, the digital marketing. We are all talking about how wonderful and beneficial it is, for both online and offline. Everything that it is online is cool, is the future, offline it’s old fashion, the past, something that sooner or later will be done, finished, and we are gonna be all happy about that. As we say this kind of things we are reading the newspaper (the “offline” version), watching tv and listening the radio. If we lose the cable signal, we don’t receive the newspaper or

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Universal Analytics – Hyperbolic with substance

The last monday, 28 of October 2012, was a great day with with some amazing announcements at the Google Analytics Summit 2012 (#GASummit). Google had launched its new strategy that even when it sounds a little hyperbolic  (Universal Analytics?), it has substance. With this new strategy Google Analytics is trying to move out from the Cookie centric (browser centric) measurement model to a new user centric model, which is GREAT! It means that they are not going to use cookies any more? No…means that they are still using the cookie but it will save a user ID (that will remain

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Hello Google Consumer Surveys, hello attitudinal information

We are talking about the 360 information model for about 6 years so far, trying to convince marketers and decision digital makers and decision makers about using more information than just behavioral. Why? Because you can’t get answer from a source that is not able to provide it. Behavioral information just tells you what people are doing, just that, not why or when. So if what you wanted to know is why the users of your site are behaving in a particular way. Some time ago we talked about 4QSuite, a service that allows you to evaluate the online experience, measure

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